What's New (past 2 days)

Any names listed below are not the ones that were most recently added to the site, but just the last individuals that happen to have been in the last GEDCOM file that was uploaded. Since I clear the tree and re-upload all individuals each time I have an update, any names shown in the list below are not indicative of additions made to the tree.

The last real update was 27 December 2020 after an 8-month hiatus.  It happens.  It doesn't mean that I'm not doing anything with my tree research; it just means that I haven't taken the time to upload the information to this site.  Another smaller update was done 31 Dec 2020 to fix a bunch of errors that I had found.  If you see a particular area that needs to be worked on, please let me know by emailing me at julia.easley@gmail.com.